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Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Resume KSI 11

Computer waste and mistakes
·         Computer waste
-          Inappropriate use of computer technology and resources
·         Computer-related mistakes
-          Errors, failures, and other computer problems that make computer output incorrect or not useful
-          Caused mostly by human error
Computer waste
·         Cause: imporer management of information systems and resources
-          Discarding old software and computer systems when they still have value
-          Building and maintaining complex systems that are never used to their fullest extent
-          Using corporate time and technology for personal use
-          Spam

Computer-related mistakes
·         Common causes
-          Failure by users to follow proper procedures
-          Unclear axpectations and a lack of feedback
-          Program development that contains error
-          Incorrect data entry by data-entry clerk

Resume KSI 9

Components of IT Management:
o   CEO & CIO
o   CIO %CTO
o   CIO & IT Manager
Major components of business/IT planning:
1.      Strategic development
2.      Resource management
3.      Technology architecture
The IT architecture is a conceptual design that includes these major components:
1.      Technology platform
2.      Data resources
3.      Applicaton architecture
4.      IT organization
Managing IS operations
·         IS operations management
-          Concered with the use of hardware, software, network, and personel resources in data centers
·         Operational activities that must be managed
-          Computer system operations
-          Network management
-          Production control
-          Production support
Other IT positions:
1.      E-commerce architect
2.      Systems analyst
3.      Technical team leader
4.      Chief secuity officer

Failures in IT management
1.      IT not used effectively:
-          Computerizing traditional business process instead of developing innovative e-business process
2.      IT not used efficiently:
-          Poor response times
-          Frequent downtime
-          Poorly managed application development
IT govermance approaches
·         Control objective for information and Technology (COBIT)
-          Framework for IT management
-          Set of generally accepted measures, indicator, processes, and beat practices
·         Covers four domains
-          Planning and organization
-          Aquisition and implementation
-          Delivery and support

Resume KSI 8

Sistem informasi dibagi menjadi :
1.      Information system planning: translating strategic and organizational goals into systems development initiatives
2.      Aligning organizational goals and IS goals
3.      Developing a competitive adventage

Establishing objectives for systems development
1.      Overall objective of systems development: achieve business goals, not technical goals
2.      Critical success factors (CSFs)
3.      Goals defined for an organization also define objective

Establishing objective for systems development
1.      Performance objective
2.      Cost objective

Systems analysis and design
1.      SA & D
2.      Two most common approaches to SA & D
Systems investigation stage
1.      How we havebussiness opportunities?
2.      What areour bussiness priorities?
3.      How can informationtechnologies provide information system solution that addressour bussiness priorities?
Feasibility study
A preliminary study where?
a.       The information needsof prospactive users
b.      The resource requirements, cost, benefits
c.       And feasibilityof a proposed project
Are determined
Macam-macam studi kelayakan
·         Operational feasibility
·         Economic feasibility
·         Technical feasibility
·         Human factors feasibility
·         Legal/Political feasibility
Operational feasibility
·         Supports the business priorities of the organization
·         Solves the identified problem
·         Fits within the existing organizational structure

Schedule feasibility – can we solve the problem in a reasonable period
Economic feasibility
¨      Assests
1.      Cost savings
2.      Increase revenue
3.      Decreased investment requirements
4.      Increased profits
¨      Cost/benefit analysis
Cost/benefit analysis
¨      Tangible costs and benefits can be quantified with a degree of certainy
-          Example: decrease in opening costs
¨      Intangible costs and benefits are harder to estimate
-          Example: improved customer service
Tecnical feasibility
·         Determine if reliable hardware and software capable of meeting the needs of a proposed system can be acquired or developed by the business in the required time
-          Hardware
-          Software
-          Network
Human factord feasibility
·         Assets
-          Employee, customer, supplier acceptance
-          Management support
-          The right people for the various new or revised roles
Legal/political feasibility
·         Assets
-          Possible patent or copyright violations
-          Software licensing for developer side only
-          Govermental restrictions
-          Changes to existing reporting structure
System analysis
·         An in-depth study of end user information needs
·         That produces functional requirements that are used as the basis for the design of a new information system